Dont go buy a metronome, just get this app. It works perfectly, whilst some other metronome apps dont stay in beat and sometimes skip beats. And its so shiny! It also has all the time signatures you need. And the sound is at a good level too. And thank you sooo much for putting those words for the different speeds in, too! I always forget those. Seriously, you can MAKE money with this app! Just buy this and sell your metronome. This is all youll need.
The new update has made this even better! The ability to enter in specific numbers works well, and now theres even more time signatures. The only suggestion I can think of is the ability to type in custuom time signatures too.
You can make this app into a fun game, actually. Because you can play music over top of the metronome clicks, its really fun to try to get the metronome to go the same speed as your songs. Then get it to the same time signature too, but quickly, before the song ends! I do this a lot when Im listening to music. This made me discover that some of my songs change time signatures in the middle of the song. I learned something new from this!
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